The key focus of a financial risk assessment is a deep dive into a company's financial preparedness and it includes pieces of other areas as they relate to financial stability.

The assessment can point out areas that are working and those that are not, in time to make necessary course corrections.

This assessment is designed to give you insights your organization’s current level of risk in a variety of categories within your business’s finance and accounting arenas as compared to industry best practices.

After you score each of the 27 best practices on a scale of 1 to 5, the assessment will calculate and give a you a quick snapshot of your level of risk. 

The finance and accounting risk assessment covers the following categories:

blue-checkmarkfinance-and-accounting-risk-assessment-coverAccounting & Reporting

blue-checkmarkFinancial Analysis

blue-checkmarkMetrics/KPIs/ Value Drivers

blue-checkmarkBudgeting, Planning and Forecasting

blue-checkmarkRisk Management & Compliance

blue-checkmarkTreasury Management


Cash Flow & Profit Optimization


Strategic Financial Resources/Partners


Innovation & Digital Transformation


Operational Risks

A finance and accounting risk assessment can make all the difference for your business. Preparing to take advantage of opportunities and eliminate potential landmines makes good business sense.

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