CFOS Foundation - In the News

CFO Selections Announces New Foundation to Assist Washington Children in Need

Published In: Eastside Business Online E-New on June 3rd 2008
Author: Eastside Business

Bellevue-based CFO Selections recently announced the establishment of the CFOS Foundation that will focus on providing time, talent and treasure to needy Washington children.

Firm partners Tom Varga, Rich Leo and Mark Tranter will lead the start-up of the CFOS Foundation to meet the growing need for helping children financially and to offer executive-level support to worthy causes. The new foundation launches a permanent fund that focuses on grant making in Washington State and taps both their professional and personal networks to match willing volunteers with grantee organizations.

“We strongly believe that even small companies have an obligation to re-invest in the communities from which we earn our living,” said Tom Varga, CFO Selections managing partner and founder. “This dedication to the future leaders of our community is viewed as a willing commitment of the firm. For this reason, a portion of the yearly profits earned by CFO Selections LLC is allocated directly to the foundation for community based grants.”

The foundation’s mission is to provide resources to improve the lives of children in the state. It supports organizations that directly affect the well-being and improvement of children’s physical, mental and emotional needs in their homes, schools and neighborhoods.

“The foundation funding, however, is only a starting point. Our plan is to offer rare and valuable executive time and talent to recipient organizations. Through the community connections of its board of directors, partners and professional affiliations, the CFOS Foundation encourages volunteerism among young and rising executives. We support their dedication of time and talent to our recipient organizations thereby multiplying the effect of the ‘treasure,'” added Varga.

The vision of the founding partners is one of a small community-based foundation with a larger focus on supporting direct needs-based programs for children. Their collective understanding fosters programs that can make significant, measurable differences even if a grant only affects one child at a time.

“Few foundations realize that it’s possible to engage first-rate CFOs to assist non-profit organizations during their formative stages whereby high-level finance expertise can enhance the long-term viability of the charity,” said Varga. “When one of our finance executives comes to assist, the charity achieves the integrity, professionalism, and overall leadership of a CFO. Our foundation will be a conduit to matching this talent to grantee organizations.”

The overall advantage of the CFOS Foundation process is to offer asset-poor nonprofit organizations immediate access to an experienced executive team member who can offer strategies and solutions that are not otherwise readily accessible. These strategic and operational financial consultants can therefore provide valuable mentoring based on relevant experience.

About CFO Selections

CFO Selections provides finance and accounting executive search and interim consulting services to a wide range of organizations in the West. The company focuses on locating and recruiting the highest caliber senior-level talent available.  Its team of consulting CFOs works in a collaborative and problem-solving way to generate maximum results.

CFO Selections’ trusted executives have assisted many clients bridge the gap to profitable growth by tailoring their services to meet exacting situations. CFO Selections, headquartered in Bellevue, WA, can be reached by contacting managing partner Tom Varga at (206) 686-4480 ext. 132, or

CFOS Foundation has offices at 310 – 120th Avenue NE, Suite 101, Bellevue, WA 98005. The foundation may be reached by sending e-mail to

Topics: CFOS Foundation News