Press - CFO Selections in the News

2018 Seattle Vistage Executive Summit

On May 10th, CFO Selections® attended and sponsored the 2018 Seattle Vistage Executive Summit at Hyatt Regency Lake Washington.  Attendees from CFO Selections included Larry Numata, Kevin Briscoe, Eric Moore, Alex de Soto, Roger Johnson, Mark Tranter, Tom Broetje and Becky Todd.


It was a powerful event designed entirely for executives with expert speakers who shared special insights to expand perspectives, refine instincts and improve judgment. The summit also included peer-to-peer interactive breakout sessions will explore how to approach current challenges to uncover opportunities.


Event speakers on topics included:

Alex Chausovsky
Senior analyst, ITR Economics

Navigating the crest: Acute insights for improved decision-making – whose presentation takes decision-making to three tiers of next level. 1. Respond effectively to the economic trends shaping Seattle. 2. Get informed to problem-solve proactively as changes loom for the United States. 3. Feel confident to make leadership decisions as a player on the global stage.

Rick Smith
Serial entrepreneur, bestselling author, TED speaker

Leadership in disruption - How can you position your organization to navigate change to its greatest benefit?

Breakout sessions offered an opportunity for attendees to learn and network:

  • Manufacturing Network - Changes that are impacting today’s manufacturing industry

  • Technology Network - Connect with other regional tech leaders, share perspectives and experiences about what’s new in tech.

  • The Real Leadership Lessons from Steve Jobs - Steve Job’s 14 keys to success that every CEO can emulate

  • When is the right time to sell your business? - Brian Murphy’s presentation guided business owners through some of the key factors in understanding and preparing for a potential transaction

  • Tapping into the Veteran market to solve skilled worker shortages (and how to pay for it!)

  • Transcendent Hiring – Reasons why many are so bad at hiring, new ways to think about hiring and actionable ways to drastically improve when it comes to finding, assessing and closing the candidates

  • Actions to take which address the issue of a possible leadership gap and business practices to help be prepared for a transition

  • How to Outperform Under Tax Reform - In the closing days of 2017, Congress passed the most sweeping tax reform our country has seen in three decades

  • Build and Retain Engaged Teams: the key to unlocking maximum productivity

It was great to spend time with 500 executives in the Northwest. A meaningful event for all.” – Kevin Briscoe, Executive Manager CFO Selections.

Topics: Events