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CFO Selections Among Top 2018 Corporate Citizenship Award Recipients

Bellevue, WA — We’re pleased to announce that CFO Selections® has been named by the Puget Sound Business Journal as one of Washington’s top 75 corporate philanthropists.

The Puget Sound Business Journal unveiled their annual list of The Corporate Citizenship and Healthy Community Champion Awards which honors local corporate philanthropists and companies that have given back through monetary and in-kind giving with significant contributions to our region.

“This is the tenth time we have made the list,” said Kevin Briscoe, CFO Selections Executive Manager.  “We could not sustain our giving over time without the commitment of our partners and consultants to make philanthropy an integral part of our business.”

The 75 companies and their teams ranked on The List gave more than $156.49 million in cash donations in Washington state in 2017, and globally their impact was more than $1.4 billion in cash.

source: PSBJ

They’re donating more than just dollars. Teams gave of their energy, expertise and time over the past year to the tune of 1.2 million volunteer hours.

CFO Selections was recognized on the ‘most volunteer hours’ list and the small company with the most contributions. This is a measure of our team’s commitment to make an impact in the community and we appreciate their dedication to ‘do more’.

In attendance at The Corporate Citizenship Awards Luncheon from CFO Selections were (from left to right): Mark Tranter, Tom Varga, Kevin Briscoe.


Even small companies have an obligation to re-invest in the communities from which they earn their living. We have a long history of giving of our time, talent and treasure. This philosophy is an integral part of our culture and one of our core beliefs." - Tom Varga - Founder of CFO Selections

Topics: In the News Events Awards