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CFO Selections Places CFO at Green Diamond

Placement Announcement Chief Financial Officer:  Green Diamond Resource Company

Bellevue, WA — CFO Selections is pleased to announce that Dale Sowell has joined Green Diamond Resource Company as their Chief Financial Officer.

Dale has more than 30 years of finance and accounting leadership experience and was recently the CFO of Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Company. Dale obtained his undergraduate and MBA degree from the University of Washington and started his career with Price Waterhouse. Dale is an active leader in the community and has served on the Board of Directors for MultiCare Health System and Charles Wright Academy. CFO Selections thanks everyone who worked with us during this search and we wish Dale and Green Diamond great success in the future.

About Green Diamond

Green Diamond Resource Company ( is a fifth-generation, family-owned forest products company that formerly operated as part of the Simpson Investment Company. The company owns and manages forests in Washington, Oregon and California, and has a lumber production facility in California. They manage their lands in an environmentally responsible manner, as sustainable and productive working forests. Green Diamond is headquartered in downtown Seattle, Washington.

About CFO Selections

CFO Selections provides finance and accounting interim consulting and executive search services to a wide range of organizations in the Northwest. Established in 2002, the company focuses on locating and recruiting the highest caliber senior-level talent available. Its team of consulting CFOs and Controllers work in a collaborative and problem-solving way to generate maximum results.

Topics: News Search Services Placement Announcement