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CFO Selections Recognized for Corporate Giving

Bellevue, WA — For the fourth year in a row, CFO Selections has been named as one of 25 companies in the  Puget Sound Business Journal’s list of Top Corporate Philanthropists (small company category).

“We are both honored and humbled to get this recognition,” said Tom Varga, Managing Partner. “We believe that companies of all sizes can have a vital role in giving back to communities. Philanthropy is a critical part of our responsibility as business leaders — while some organizations focus on large global issues, we believe the power of a small organization, deeply engaged in our community, makes a significant difference and positive change, one kid at a time.”

The CFO Selections partners recognize that the company’s giving is very much a team effort. “This award belongs to our associates,” said Varga, adding that their “volunteer efforts, engagement, and flexibility in working within nonprofit budgets allow us to serve both our many philanthropic clients and also other great community organizations.”

CFO Selections was chosen based on total corporate and foundation giving in Washington in 2011. The “small company” category included 25 firms with revenues of $20 million per year and below. Puget Sound Business Journal conducted the research.

About CFO Selections

CFO Selections provides finance and accounting executive search and interim consulting services to a wide range of organizations in the West. The company focuses on locating and recruiting the highest caliber senior-level talent available. Its team of consulting CFOs works in a collaborative and problem-solving way to generate maximum results. CFO Selections’ trusted executives have assisted many clients in bridging the gap to profitable growth by tailoring their services to meet exacting situations.

CFO Selections is headquartered in Bellevue, WA, and can be reached by contacting Managing Partner Tom Varga at (206) 686-4480 ext. 123, or

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