Press - CFO Selections in the News

Corporate Champions: Proactive Corporate Philanthropy Builds a Healthy Community

Published In: Puget Sound Business Journal on May 13th 2012
Author: Norman Rice

“The healthy community framework [which guides the Seattle Foundation] was the perfect starting place when CFO Selections took its first early steps into corporate philanthropy. The firm, which specializes in providing senior financial consulting and executive search services, started the CFOS Foundation in 2007 to support the needs of local children in the markets the firm serves.

CFO Selections started by establishing a donor-advised fund at The Seattle Foundation. The firm’s founders then worked with a Seattle Foundation philanthropic advisor who facilitated a “Giving with Goals” planning session to help the team identify its highest priorities and interests.

The firm developed a highly focused grant making methodology and giving priorities. It also often couples it grants with pro bono financial consulting. In this sense, CFO Selections defines its philanthropy with time and talent, as well as treasure.”

To read the entire article, click here.

Topics: News Philanthropy