The CFO'S Perspective

What is The Difference Between COGS and SG&A from a Chief Financial Officer’s Perspective?

As fractional CFOs (Chief Operating Officers) we get a lot of questions about COGS (Cost of Goods Sold) and SG&A expenses from our clients. They want to know how to classify different types of expenses, which one to focus on when trying to control costs, how to think about them when evaluating business opportunities, and what kind of impact each can have on profitability. As such, their questions often span the two interconnected worlds of accounting and finance.

From an accounting perspective, categorizing expenses correctly helps to ensure regulatory compliance and aids in ongoing cash flow management. While from a finance perspective, understanding their impact on revenue growth allows for effective long-term financial management. For these reasons, having a firm handle on the difference between SG&A and COGS is a critical component to running any business.

Topics: Accounting Planning Financial Projections Cash Flow Growth Forecasting Expenses

Accounting Turnover: Why is it Happening and How do we Stop It?

Having a hard time finding talented accountants for your business? That’s no surprise. I see news headlines every day that indicate many businesses are struggling with this hiring challenge. Here are just a few:

The reasons for today’s accounting shortage are well-documented, and include:

  • A changing educational landscape
  • Competition from other fields
  • Increased demand
  • Work-life balance concerns
  • An aging workforce with fewer younger entrants

While there is a lot of press around the shortage of accountants and challenges in finding accounting talent, I think it’s important to consider why accountants are leaving their jobs and strategies to retain key accounting talent.

Let’s answer the question, “Why is there so much turnover in accounting these days?” …and more importantly, “How do we stop it?”

Topics: Recruiting Accounting Hiring Staffing

Don’t Trust Your Accountant!

What would we do without our accountants? We rely on them for accuracy, reporting, transaction processing, analysis, and financial advice. For non-accountants, the discipline can be a mystery. So, we try to find a good accountant to add to our team and then we trust them to do their job. That’s what we should do, right?

Actually, no.

You shouldn’t trust your accountant. Well, hopefully, you can trust them, but you shouldn’t.

Topics: Accounting Fraud Risk Management

Faster or Better? How to Truly Improve your Accounting Processes

The last decade has seen an unparalleled push for greater efficiency. Increased automation across all business sectors has ushered in a focus on “faster” and “cheaper.” And while these are certainly important pursuits amidst rising labor and materials costs, they certainly should not be a company’s only focus. Chasing faster and cheaper almost always comes at the expense of “better,” which is a shame because “better” can actually go a long way in achieving both.

Topics: Accounting Bookkeeping Financial Process Accounting Software

How to Win the Talent War in Accounting and Finance

The war for talent that emerged amid The Great Resignation is still going strong in the areas of accounting and finance. As Hannah Green explains,

“The accounting sector has a problem with numbers. Specifically, it’s becoming harder and harder for firms to attract top talent. Why? There just aren’t enough talented bodies to go around. In what’s come to be known as the ‘war for talent’, top firms are finding it increasingly difficult to secure and retain highly qualified finance and accounting professionals.”

Topics: Recruiting Finance Accounting Hiring Staffing HR

The Convergence of Accounting and HR

Companies that understand how finance and HR overlap and foster a relationship between the two are better poised for long-term growth than their less informed counterparts. The reason behind this is simple – knowing when and how to leverage your CFO to assist with hiring and employee retention can improve profit margins, encouraging sustainable long-term growth. Additionally, encouraging collaboration between these two vital areas of the business improves workplace culture across the entire organization.

Topics: Recruiting Finance Accounting Trends Hiring Planning HR Leadership Budgeting Forecasting Strategy

Accounts Receivables: Getting Paid

Accounts receivables are a hot topic for business owners because they are the primary driver of cash flowing into the company. Unfortunately, in the US 39% of invoices are paid late and 52% of businesses have been asked by clients to extend their payment terms. This creates a difficult situation for business owners because late payments not only hurt cash flow management but may also serve as an early warning sign that payment is not coming.

Typically, the longer invoices remain outstanding the less likely they are to be paid. When invoices cannot be collected on, they become bad debt and are written off, erasing the revenue they would have generated for the hardworking businesses that earned them. Bad debt hurts short-term cash flow and long-term profitability. In fact, every year an average of 4% of accounts receivable are written off as bad debt, which equates to $400,000 in lost revenue for a company with $10M in sales annually.

So, what can you do to reduce your accounts receivables problems?

Topics: Accounting Planning Cash Flow Accounts Receivable

Certainty in Uncertain Times

In uncertain times businesses need continued access to experienced bookkeepers and accountants to keep cash flowing. Whether the need is part-time, interim, or project-based, a third-party financial professional can offer the information needed to make strategic business decisions. This need does not change when people are working remotely. In fact, with so many businesses temporarily pausing operations, the need for bookkeepers and accountants is likely greater than ever before.

While the future may be uncertain, there is one immutable certainty – businesses still have access to the reputable, qualified bookkeepers and accountants that they need to keep their organizations afloat. These kinds of key personnel aren’t going anywhere and are available to help businesses navigate today’s unique challenges.

Topics: Finance Accounting Hiring Change Management Transition COVID-19