On November 15, 2018 CAMPS (Center for Advanced Manufacturing Puget Sound) celebrated the successes and achievements in manufacturing in the Puget Sound region. Regence, Capital Benefit Services and Shannon & Associates sponsored the fabulous event. The emcee for the evening was Randy Gardiner, President of CAMPS Board of Directors.
Members of the CFO Selections team were in attendance. We were again impressed by the character and expertise of the attendees and those recognized with awards (both past and present). CAMPS continues to stand out as a valuable organization we recommend.
This is an important event because it recognizes companies and people who are remarkable and often go unnoticed. Their commitment is not a headline in a tweet or newsfeed.
Today we will share more about those who were recognized to give you an opportunity to connect and work with excellence.
Awards were presented by the prior year’s
winners in the following categories:
2018 Innovation Award Recipient
– Laser Cutting Northwest
About Laser Cutting Northwest:
In 2017-18 LCNW…
- Began construction on a manufacturing incubator facility to house new manufacturing businesses.
- Installed a “state of the art” flexible manufacturing cell.
- Sponsored FIRST Robotics Teams.
- Hosted CAMPS M2M Tours.
- LCNW Holds 11 patents.
Innovation Award (Product / Process / Company) description:
This award is given to a manufacturer who best demonstrates an innovative product, process, internal innovation initiative, or company. Qualification is based on verifiable information and documentation related to their innovation or innovativeness in the past 12 months.
Presented by 2017 Recipient - Global Fiberglass Solutions - Brent Sherry
2018 Community Impact Award Recipient
– Skills, Inc.
About Skills Inc:
- A Social enterprise manufacturing company.
- A regional leader in training and employing persons with disabilities.
- Worked with CAMPS in 2018 to develop and launch a special M2M Aerospace Production Planner Internship which includes transitioning military personnel who qualify as “wounded warrior” status.
- Hired a M2M Candidate as a full-time employee
- Hosts High School students participating in the National Manufacturing Day program
Community Impact Award Information:
Award given to a manufacturer which had the greatest impact in the community in the past year. Qualifications are based on documentation verifying their community impact. Examples: Supporting educational robotics programs, hiring initiatives, charitable contributions, volunteer efforts, etc.
Presented by 2017 Recipient – Northwest Center - Mike Quinn
2018 Outstanding Contribution to CAMPS Recipient
– North Star Ice Equipment
About North Star Ice Equipment Corporation:
- Rachel Camarillo facilitated the September Round Table on “Tariffs – Are They Affecting Your Business?”
- The team have been regular attendees at CAMPS Round Tables, Leadership Forum, Technical Sessions, Annual Conference, and the awards dinner.
Outstanding Contribution to CAMPS Award Information:
Award given to a manufacturer who provides the highest level of support and participation for/within CAMPS. Qualifications are based on CAMPS manufacturing membership in good standing, active committee participation, time contributed, talent and treasure, etc.
Presented by 2017 Recipient Western Integrated Technology - Bill Hill
2018 Volunteer of the Year Recipient
– Dan Kocer, Kocer Consulting & Engineering
About Dan Kocer - Kocer Consulting and Engineering:
- Dan has been involved with the CAMPS Program and concept prior to the launch of CAMPS in 2008. He previously served on the Kent Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors during the formative years of CAMPS.
- Kocer Engineering has been a frequent presenter of key topics at CAMPS Round Tables, Leadership Forum, Technical Sessions, and Annual Conference
- Kocer Engineering has worked with numerous CAMPS Members on lean projects, best practices, plant layouts, and achieving ISO Certifications.
- Kocer Engineering is also an on-going Sponsor for CAMPS events and exposing their clients to CAMPS.
Volunteer of the Year Award Information:
Award is given to any individual CAMPS member who provides a high level of support and participation within CAMPS. Qualification is based on CAMPS membership and activities such as: Active committee participation; contributing time, talent, and treasure, etc.
Presented by 2017 Recipient - Elizabeth Harris, Resultist Consulting
2018 Industry Leadership Award Recipient
– Bill Bulis, Tri-Tec Manufacturing
About Bill Bulis – Vice President/General Manager, Tri-Tec Manufacturing, LLC:
- Regularly attends CAMPS Round Tables, Leadership Forum, Technical Sessions, Annual Conference. He is driving CAMPS involvement in the Tri-Tec community
- In 2018, Bill hired a M2M Candidate and recently enrolled him in the AJAC Apprenticeship Program.
- While in the Navy as Chief of Staff for Navy Region Northwest, he opened the doors for CAMPS M2M to have access to the four Navy Installations in the Pacific Northwest. CAMPS in 2017 and 2018 has held M2M Workshops at all four installations
- Made an introduction to the Seattle Coast Guard Station and personnel are attending M2M Classes at JBLM.
Industry Leadership, Individual Award Information:
This award is given to an individual within a manufacturing company who has shown outstanding leadership within their industry and organization. Qualification is based on CAMPS, being a highly regarded and respected individual who has positive influence over their organization and the manufacturing community. Example considerations might include: A company turn-around, successful expansion, bold change in the direction of a business, make a major impact on company culture, etc.
Presented by 2017 Recipient Allison Budvarson, Out of the Box Manufacturing
2018 Legacy Award Recipient
– Jon McQuiston
About Jon McQuiston - Founding Board Member & Past President:
- Founding Board Member.
- Current and Emeritus Board Member.
- Has served CAMPS while with three manufacturing companies.
- Continues to serve CAMPS in retirement.
- Has supported M2M, FIRST Robotics Internships, and hosting Workforce focus groups.
Legacy Award Information:
“Something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past”
Presented by 2017 Recipient Jim Tschimperle, Pacific Machine
2018 Manufacturer of the Year Award Recipient
– GM Nameplate
About GM Nameplate:
- GM Nameplate supported the CAMPS Manufacturing Conference in 2017 and 2018 with key Executives serving on panels or providing critical topic presentations.
- Hosted a CAMPS Roving Roundtable meeting in 2018.
- Hosts CAMPS M2M Tours and in the past has hired an M2M Graduate.
- Hosted the Clover Park Technical College Mechatronics Club.
- GMN inducted into the “Hall of Fame” in the John Deere Achieving Excellence Program for 2017.
- GMN Aerospace receives tenth consecutive Boeing Performance Excellence Award in 2018.
Manufacturer of the Year Award Information:
The manufacturer of the year is top overall in all categories and overall business success for the year. Qualification is based on documentation submitted which demonstrates success in the areas of company profitability, innovation, community impact, CAMPS participation, and leadership.
Presented by 2017 Recipient - GlobalTech Plastics - Tom Fleck
What does it take to be an award winner, a company of excellence? You will find that if you contact any one of those recognized, you will find them open to sharing their insights. Better yet, join CAMPS and attend future events to meet them and gain from their experience.
CAMPS is an association of manufacturers, supply chain partners, professional service providers and affiliates (government, education, and non-profit organizations), all who share common interests to drive innovation, provide supply chain development, and collectively find 21st Century workforce solutions.
If you would like an introduction, we are a proud member and would be happy to help.
Contact us here.