The CFO'S Perspective

The Long View: Companies Establish Strong Foundations for Long-Term Goals

The Long View: Companies Establish Strong Foundations for Long-Term Goals

Published In: Puget Sound Business Journal - Corporate Citizenship Supplement
Author: Alisha Gomez
Excerpted from a longer article, on corporate foundations:

“For Tom Varga, managing partner at financial recruiting firm CFO Selections, corporate philanthropy had to be part of his company’s culture from the start.  ‘I don’t think a lot of businesses, when they get going, think about the fact that as a corporate citizens, there’s a larger responsibility other than making a profit for your shareholders,’ Varga said.

Once the company was founded in 2002, he started investigating the idea and launched the CFOS Foundation in 2007.

The Bellevue based company, which doesn’t disclose revenues but counts 55 on its team, tapped the Seattle Foundation to set up its foundation.  Since launching CFOS Foundation, the company has given back about $1.3 million in time and service as well as monetary donations, Varga said.  The Foundation recently refocused its giving to foster kids in Washington, an issue that was decided upon by the entire company.

‘The mission has always included time, talent, and treasure because we felt that that cross-section of smart people and dedicated time was key to having a leverage point for the cash,’ said Varga, who sits on the foundation’s board.”

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