The CFO'S Perspective

CFO Selections Team

Recent Posts by CFO Selections Team:

Managing Nonprofit Cash Reserves: Don’t Sit on that Pile of Cash!

While some nonprofits have been dealing with cash deficits over the last few years, others have experienced the opposite – too much cash! Granted, this “problem” is a much better one to have! However, it still poses a question that needs to be answered strategically to ensure a healthy future for the organization: “What do we do with the cash we’re sitting on?”

Of course, nonprofit leaders can choose to do nothing and just hold onto that cash until their hand is forced and they need to use it. Unfortunately, this approach poses two threats:

  1. Not utilizing available cash to make strategic moves can cause an organization to miss out on key opportunities for growth, reducing its long-term effectiveness.
  2. Sitting on cash gives the impression that the organization does not really need the money, which can diminish future giving from donors. Afterall, if an organization already has more than they need, why would donors keep writing the big checks?

Tesla Lost their CFO – How and When this Will Happen to You

According to news reports, Tesla’s CFO, Zachary Kirkhorn, has unexpectedly stepped down after 13 years with the company. This came as a shock to many because he was widely viewed as a possible successor to Elon Musk for the CEO role. He announced that he will remain on until the end of the year to help with the transition, but that the company’s Head of Accounting would replace him within the week in an interim capacity.

What happened? And could this happen to you as well? Let’s dig in to understand more.

Topics: CFO Leadership

How do Financial Controllers Add Value?

Last year had been dubbed The Year of the Controller by financial recruiters because demand for the position dramatically increased amid uncertain economic times and increased accounting needs at many organizations. This year has seen continued interest in the role and there is no indication that the buzz around the Controller role is slowing down, which means that going into 2024 many companies are still inquiring about how a Controller differs from a CFO (Chief Financial Officer) and how a Controller can benefit their organization.

Topics: Controller Controller Responsibilities

What Amazon’s Theft Ring Teaches about Fraud Prevention

In early July it was released that Amazon had fallen victim to a fraud scheme perpetrated by one of its Operations Managers, Kayricka Wortham, at its Smyrna, Georgia location. In just 19 months, Wortham managed to steal almost $10M before getting caught.

How did this happen?

Topics: Fraud Business Controls

Do You Need to Switch to a Rolling Forecast?

If you’re wondering whether your company needs to switch to a rolling forecast, it’s important to look at why you’re asking. The simple act of questioning whether your current budgeting process is sufficient likely indicates that you have identified a shortcoming in your current budgeting process that provides an opportunity for improvement. Moving to a rolling forecast may offer benefits over your existing methodology, but it’s important to understand the pros and cons associated with using a rolling forecast and what to be aware of when considering switching budgeting methods.

Topics: Analysis Cash Flow Budgeting Forecasting Financial Process

What do You Really Need when Hiring a CFO?

There is no doubt that hiring in accounting and finance right now is harder than ever before. And yet, despite today’s challenges, companies still need CFOs, which means that simply going without a CFO is not an option.

So, how do you overcome today’s hiring challenges to win the talent war? When you are hiring a CFO, it is going to be important that you focus on finding someone that meets all of your most critical needs first, before trying to check any boxes on your wants list. While this may seem like obvious advice for organizations that are keenly aware of the difference between their wants and needs for the role, many companies struggle to draw a distinction between the two. To complicate matters, what may be a need for one organization might be a want for another even if both are in the same industry or business stage. Even within a single organization what may have been considered a nice-to-have the last time the role was vacant could very well be a must-have this time around.

Let’s take a look at some of the criteria that organizations use to determine their needs and wants when hiring a CFO:

Topics: Recruiting CFO Hiring

Manufacturing KPIs To Track Operational Excellence

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) help measure the performance and effectiveness of different areas within a company. KPIs are very specific to each industry and company. The best KPIs will depend on the company's specific goals and objectives. In a manufacturing context.

Here are some widely used KPIs:

Topics: KPI Manufacturing

Understanding the Importance of Financial Modeling: Should You Build a 3-Year Model?

“How do you build a three-year financial model?” It’s a question we get (and answer) a lot.

A financial model is a type of financial projection that pulls together important data to allow organizations to analyze their current financial position and predict their future financial position. While effective financial modeling takes significant time and expertise to complete, the considerable benefits provided make it well worth the investment. Financial modeling is an essential tool used to manage risk, allocate resources, make smart investments, secure funding, and develop long-term growth strategies.

Some projections are over a longer time horizon while others only cover a short time horizon. However, whether your financial model covers two, three, five, or ten years, it’s important to understand what it should accomplish, why you should do one, and what it should include. Find out now why you need financial modeling and how to build a financial model for your organization that will offer the insights needed to make key strategic decisions.

Topics: Finance Trends Planning Financial Projections Risk Management